Application Design II - Final Project: Completed App

8.7.2024 - 4.8.2024 (Week 11 - Week 15)
Tan Yi-Tyng (0353327)
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Application Design II 
Final Project: Completed App




Students will synthesise the knowledge gained in task 1, 2 and 3 for application in task 4. Students will create integrate visual asset and refine the prototype into a complete working and functional product experience.


To recap, in the previous task, I coded some of the pages and added interactive animations. Due to time constraints, I will reduce the number of pages and focus on adding more animations to the remaining ones. Below is the list of pages that need to be coded and animated, emphasizing the primary purpose and main user task flow in the Batik Air app, which is to book flight tickets:
  1. Splash Screen
  2. Home Screen 
  3. Flight Selection page
  4. Seat selection page
  5. Checkout page
  6. Payment page
  7. Payment Loading Page
  8. Confirmation page

Home Page

Since the previous task, I've developed the homepage layout and animation, and now I need to improve some parts. I have added animation for the sidebar menu, where each line slides in from the left sequentially with opacity changes. Initially, for the navigation bar, the black border circle was intended to help create the curved edges of the nav bar design. However, I couldn't find a way to solve the issue, so I decided to remove the black border line. Despite this, the animation of the nav bar still works perfectly, with smooth icon color changes and text placement adjustments when clicked.

Previously, the center content of the panel used an image as a temporary placeholder. Now, I need to code the layout and add clickable buttons to navigate to the next page. Creating options for selecting the destination with all country names was challenging, so the first two columns will be static without requiring any input. The interactive elements include switching the toggle button on and off and the dropdown panel for selecting travelers and classes.

Fig. 1.1 - Home screen progress in HTML

Fig. 1.2 - Screen recording of the Homepage Animation

Flight Selection Page

For this page, I have already completed the layout design. Now, I will add a fade-in animation when the user loads this page. The items will fade in sequentially by sliding in from the top, and the ticket options will appear with a folding expand type of animation. I have also adjusted the container for the ticket options. Previously, when switching to other phone sizes, it was not responsive and did not align to the center. Now, this issue has been fixed.

Fig. 2.1 - Flight Selection Page progress in HTML & JS

Fig. 2.2 - Screen recording of the Flight Selection Page

Payment Page

This page was not completed in the previous task, so I have now coded the layout design and added interactive animations. The progress bar is linked and uses the same type of animation as the previous page, built in After Effects. I also added a fade-in transition, once the progress bar animation is done, the other items will fade in sequentially. By clicking the PAY button, the user will be navigated to the payment loading page.

Fig. 3.1 - Working animation of the progress bar in AE

Fig. 3.2 - Payment Page progress in HTML

Fig. 3.3 - Screen recording of the Payment Page

Payment Loading & Successful Page

Once the user clicks the Pay button, the payment loading page animation will automatically appear for a few seconds, followed by the payment successful icon. The animation was taken from online sources, and I modified it by changing the color.

Fig. 4.1 - Payment successful animation from Lottie Files 

Fig. 4.2 - Payment Loading Page script

Fig. 4.3 - Screen recording of the Payment Loading and Successful Page

Confirmation Page

Finally, on the confirmation page, an animation of a flight ticket being printed out appears once the user successfully makes their payment. I also added an interactive animated download button. When the user clicks it to download the ticket, the button will display a loading animation. Once the download is complete, the button design will change to "Open File."

Fig. 5.1 - Confirmation page script

Fig. 5.3 - Screen recording of the Confirmation Page


Once all the page layouts have been coded, animated, and the buttons are all clickable and linked to the appropriate pages, I will begin deploying the app to Netlify.

Fig. 6.1 - Deploy to Netlify


*Recommend to view on iPhone 12 Pro (390 x 844)

Presentation Video:

Fig. 7.1 - Final Project: Presentation Video of Batik Air App


A big relief after finally completing the whole project! As I did not have a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, and JS, it was really hard for me to develop the outcome that I wanted. I had many interesting ideas for the layout and animation, but it was quite challenging to implement them, especially given the limited time I had for experimentation. To be honest, AI and online sources helped me a lot and sped up my progress. Creating animations using JS was particularly difficult for me, but I was able to get valuable suggestions from Chatgpt. Through this module, I learned the importance of good communication and understanding between frontend and backend development. It's crucial to determine whether a design is practical or just visually appealing. This experience has helped me build a foundation in understanding the basic structure of app development and prepared me for entering the industry.


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